Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Permanent Solution to Weight Loss Problems

By Michael Henry O. Smith

A great thinker said. "Any question you ask for too long must definitely get an answer" Only a few people give a little or no concern to their shape and looks. They believed which ever stature they have, is their natural heritage and there is nothing they or anybody can do about it. But to so many others especially the women, this is a whole big issue and treats to their outlook. Most women have done some crazy things you cannot imaging and still their problems are yet to be solved.

I challenge you here, to take advantage of these simple tips which I guarantee to produce answers to your long asked questions, while you get a permanent solution to your weight loss problems.

One of the things that will fire-up your success in weight loss process is that, you must resolve to do something different from all the things you have done before that did not yield good results. Yes you have rehearsed with your doctor and he gave you his therapies; you still need to go some extra mile until you get a solution to your problem. You cannot fold your hands and keep applying a particular method that does not work, for too long. You need to try something else you know have worked for other people in the same condition.

Most of the therapies you have been applying that did not work might have generated some side effects in your body system which you may not notice immediately. It is dangerous to resolve to do just any thing, at the expense of your health, with the aim of loosing some weight.

Wise people do the right thing and get a positive result instantly. The reason why you have not come up with a positive result to your weight loss problem could be as a result of your operating in a trial and error method. Dare to do the right thing today, and I will
Guarantee a huge success for your little efforts, in a few days time.

Here are some simple ideas and tips that have been popularly proven effective by many.
A biochemical researcher, by name Jon Gabriel stumbled upon an amazing natural scheme of losing weight permanently. It was a unique discovery that has earned popular recommendations over the years. It is called "FAT SWITCH" once it is turned on, and you have the ability to turn it off, you are already creating a situation that will enable you to loss some excess weight.

Secondary; I advice that you reduce the quantity of food you eat at every meal, try to eat less food, take more fruits for your body nourishment and some amount of water to properly hydrate your cells. Take out 90munites everyday for a little exercise.

I bet you that as simple and common as this few tips may sound, it has been tried by many, and the results have been incredible. You too can take advantage of these methods and be on your way to a successful weight loss. Visit the link for more help.

Motivation to Stick With Your Fitness Goals

By Craig Avera

It's funny how empty my gym has been lately compared to the month of January when you could rarely get to the machine you wanted without taking a number first. Annoying as it may have been, the cause was the annual "New Year's Resolutioners" who were dead set on making this year be the one! The year where they take their fitness goals seriously and take the steps needed to attain their goals!...but those goals only last about three weeks. Five or six for the slightly more enduring. After that, the gym begins to clear out. Here we are, at the end of March, and there has been an obvious dropout in gym-goers at my gym - even in Hollywood where everyone seems to care about their figure.

So I started pondering this phenomenon - Year after year, people are so determined to get fit for a moment, but those aspirations quickly fade and it's back to the old habits, the lack of activity, and the same body they've hated on themselves for years. Why not keep that January fire burning, and actually achieve the goals you set for yourself?

I started to dissect the reasons why this "failure to perform" syndrome occurs year after year, and I came up with solutions for the top reasons that came up in my head. Here I want to address each reason individually and explain my thoughts on how to overcome them so you can stay on track and get the body you desire.

This of this as your Fitness Troubleshooting Guide and I'll be playing the role of Mr. Fix It:)

Reason 1: Not Seeing Instant Results

Frustration has a lot to do with this one, but that's the way we are programmed with "instant gratification" a huge player in our lives. Credit cards are available - and you can pickup a burger at the drive-through without getting out of your car, and quickly at that (not that I recommend doing so). The point is, if we can snap our fingers and get most anything in today's world, why is it so much different with transforming our bodies? Sorry to burst your bubble, but this isn't something you can achieve with a big fat shortcut. Physical improvements require hard work, dedication, and most of all patience, in order to see results.

They say you won't get fat overnight - well you won't get lean overnight either. It's going to take time and effort on your part, and most likely more time and effort than is comfortable. But if you realize this and stick with it, you will improve over time, granted you're taking the right steps in order to do so.

But please, don't give up if you've been on a 1500 calorie diet for a week with a few workout sessions thrown in the mix, and don't look like Ryan Reynolds or Jessica Alba. Keep doing what will yield results, and over time it will. The first two weeks of a program are usually the most brutal. First, your body is adapting to severe physical changes which is always a little uncomfortable. Second, results are often slow the first two weeks. Think about pushing a dead car that's in neutral. When you first start pushing, it's going to take awhile to build up speed, but once you get the wheels rolling, you'll start going faster with less effort. Same thing here - think of the initial push as the first two weeks of a fitness plan. After two weeks, things should start rolling nice and smoothly with increased results.

Reason 2: Procrastination

"Oh I'll just get in shape tomorrow - or next month." This is not only a bad case of procrastination, it'd be more suited to go into the "lazy" category if you ask me. Putting your fitness goals off is just another day of being of out shape. Think of this - why not just get fit today instead of putting it off until tomorrow. The sooner you take action, the sooner you'll have the body of your dreams! Why not just get it over with already? Take action today and stick with it. When you reach your goals, maintain your physique and live your life in the body of your dreams!

I really believe procrastination and laziness are on the same playing field. Next time you want to push aside that workout until "tomorrow," or start eating right "after the weekend," realize that you should already be doing these things. Live in the now.

Reason 3: Lack Of Knowledge

Often times people simply aren't educated about fitness or nutrition. And let me tell you, it's not an easy thing to master. There are so many variables and opinions, not to mention bad information out there, that even trying to gain the knowledge through outside sources may end up being detrimental. Even the modern day Food Pyramid published by our country's own USDA, the so called "nutritional experts," have it all wrong in my opinion. According to Wikipedia, many of today's food labels still go by the Food Pyramid created in 1992. 18 years go by without an update on many of today's products? See anything wrong with that?

I can't count how many fitness sites I've been to have give nothing but bad information about working out. People are performing lifts on YouTube that scream injury all over them! People post fitness advice that would not work well for everyone, but don't mention that when giving this information.

The point is, a lot of what you see or read may not be true or beneficial for you. Lack of knowledge isn't a fault - it just takes finding the right sources of information to get it right. Some sites offer great advice - but be careful of the ones that don't. There are far many more of the latter than there are of the good ones out there.

Reason 4: Not Enough Time

Yes yes, life is busy. Everyone has a busy agenda - kids, relationships, jobs, family, the list goes on. But putting your health and physique on the back burner is not a good thing. Instead, find a way to fit fitness into your agenda.


When it comes to proper nutritional habits, thinking ahead is the key. Many of you probably don't have time to cook three or more times a day - so be smart about it instead. For example, buy chicken breasts in bulk, cook enough for a few days, and keep them in the fridge so you can grab one and go instead of finding yourself foodless in the middle of the day, and opting for the McDonald's drive-through. Other ideas: hardboil eggs in advance, have raw fruits and veggies in the fridge at all times, buy tupperware to store your food in, etc.Have your meals already prepared and ready to take with you or choose healthy options when eating out. Remember, going to the gym requires an hour or two of your day, but you're accountable for what you eat all day. Being a disciplined dieter is much harder than sticking with your workout.

Working Out

The gym is not required to attain a lean muscular body, I hope you know that. Although heavy weights are most efficient for building muscle, I guarantee you can create an awesome workout with little or no equipment whatsoever. Bodyweight exercises like pushups, pullups, and squats are great for you. If you can't make it to the gym, and need to squeeze in a workout with little time on hand, try this 20 minute workout that's guaranteed to make you sweat:

20 Minute No Equipment Workout: Repeat cycle until 20 minutes is up. Rest as little as possible - keep your heart rate up.

* 30 jumping jacks
* 20 pushups
* 40 squats
* 1 minute plank (alternate between front, right and left between rounds)
* 20 walking lunge (10 each side)
* 50 high knees in place

Zero equipment required, and you 'll get an amazing body weight-interval workout done in 20 minutes. You can find 20 minutes to spare in order to improve your physique. Finding time for the gym is not always an option, but finding time for fitness is.

Reason 5: Not Making Enough Changes

Fat Loss

If you keep eating the same way you're eating now, and working out the same as you've been, don't expect to see any changes in your physique! If your goal is to lose weight, and you have a solid workout plan but aren't seeing the pounds come off, you're going to have to change your diet. Remember, diet is 80% of the battle and will account mostly for weight loss. Cardio is a weight loss tool and keeps you in good health, but don't rely on it solely if you want to lose weight. Diet is number one, so if your current diet isn't yielding weight loss, eat less. If it still isn't working, eat a little less than that. See how it works? You can only increase your workouts to a certain extent - the way you eat is much easier to control, but also harder to maintain discipline.

Gaining Muscle

If muscle gain is your goal, make sure you're hitting the weights and eating enough to support muscle growth but not fat gain. Don't overwork your muscles, but challenge them. Set up a solid routine based on your goals and stick with it. Listen to your body so you don't over train.
Reason 6: Not Having A Plan

I'm all about being spontaneous, but like everything, there's a time and place. Constantly winging your workouts isn't the best way to get fit. You have to have a plan for both your diet and your workout regimen if you want the best results. Knowing what you're going to eat and how you're going to workout in advance may seem boring, but it's the best way to make sure you're doing things right, to target your goals, and to execute an effective plan.

Other Things To Keep You Motivated

* Get a workout partner and keep each other accountable. Find a workout partner that is more committed than you are and around your fitness level, if not a little more in shape than you. This will keep you pushing and improving. Also find someone who is reliable and won't flake out all the time.

* Get an MP3 player. If you don't already have tunes to listen to while working out, it will make your time at the gym much more enjoyable. Working out without music is rough for me - I dread workouts when my iPod is dead. Keep your music fresh - new songs on my playlist always keep me working harder at the gym.

* Don't abuse the scale. If you're weighing yourself every day, you're setting yourself up for frustration and will be more likely to throw in the towel. Scale weight accounts for everything, including water and what you just ate, etc. To avoid driving yourself insane, weight yourself once a week, at the same time of day each week. I would choose Friday morning. Why not Monday? We tend to party harder on the weekends and loosen up the diet, so you may find Monday weigh ins slightly discouraging. Stick to Friday or Saturday morning when you've been on your best weekday behavior.

* Look forward to something in advance and make that part of your motivation. Whether it be an upcoming vacation, trying to look your best for summer, or an attempt to score a date with Jessica Alba, find something that will keep you pushing. I've said it before - achieving a Hollywood Body is not easy. Use all the tools in your arsenal to stay on track.

* Reward yourself with cheat meals and such. You can't be perfect 100% of the time, nor would you want to. That would make you a pretty boring person. Go out and enjoy life, have nachos with your friends, live it up! If you're diet is on 80% of the time, you'll make good progress. 90% and you're on the fast track to a beach body.

Craig Avera is an actor residing in Hollywood, CA. He is also heavily involved in fitness and athletics, and is a nutritional expert.

For more articles by Craig Avera, please visit his free website "Hollywood Body Fitness" He goes over training and nutritional advice on how to create a lean Hollywood physique. He also specializes in helping other actors transform their physiques for specific roles.

Hollywood Body Fitness

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